It would be almost obscene not to read this book if you're looking to succeed!
This book goes far beyond the usual bla bla bla found in most books on success. The boundaries of political correctness are openly defied – the author goes for the jugular!
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With relative ease, you can become an invincible force of nature, where ever you are, whoever you are, whatever you have. It doesn’t matter whether it’s about your body, your relationship or your finances: in no time at all, you can have what you've always wanted!
The groundbreaking philosophy in this book is the key to your success.
It includes radical new approaches on getting your life pointing in the right direction in record speed!
ISBN 978-3957540034
280 pages
Paperback 12,99€
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Andreas Boskugel has been studying the law of attraction for over 20 years and was able to catapult himself out of the life of an alcoholic, chain-smoking welfare recipient to that of a successful entrepreneur with sales worth over a million Euros.
Boskugel has helped lead a great many people to a better life. His experience, along with his razor-sharp mind, has given him a completely new understanding of the law of attraction.
He is regarded as one of the leading experts in this field.